Saturday, 20 July 2013

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Thursday, 20 June 2013

Ecommerce sales to account for more than 11% of £383 billion UK retail market

eMarketer: Mcommerce Takes 15% of UK Retail Ecommerce Sales

Ecommerce sales to account for more than 11% of £383 billion UK retail market; retail mobile commerce sales expected to top £6.61 billion alone

LONDON (20 June, 2013) -- Shopping on mobile devices is helping drive retail ecommerce sales in the UK to new heights and a larger percentage of retail sales overall, according to new figures from eMarketer.

The UK has always registered relatively high online shopping and buying penetration rates. Based on eMarketer's first-ever forecast for UK retail sales across channels, digital sales in the country, including online and mobile, as a percentage of total retail sales, is among the highest in the world. eMarketer estimates that digital sales (excluding travel) will represent 11.5% of UK total retail sales this year, compared with 10.2% in 2012.

With retail ecommerce sales growing at double-digit rates for several years to come, as total retail sales remain all but flat, digital commerce's share of the total will continue to increase.

Nonmobile online retail sales will continue rising robustly in the coming years, even as a significant portion of digital's growth will come from mobile devices, as shopping on smartphones and tablets reaches record levels-driving much of the incremental growth in the market.

Tablet commerce will grow by triple digits in 2013 for the third year running, to reach £3.57 billion ($5.67 billion), while smartphone mcommerce sales growth will fall to 42.6%. Other mobile devices, such as ereaders, account for only a tiny fraction of mobile sales. The total mcommerce figure will reach £6.61 billion ($10.49 billion) this year and £17.24 billion ($27.36 billion) by 2017, with growth remaining robust throughout the forecast period.

Over the same period, UK retail mcommerce sales will increase its percentage of overall retail ecommerce sales from 15% this year to 26.5% by 2017, eMarketer estimates. Retail mcommerce sales include products and services ordered using a browser or app via any mobile device, regardless of where fulfillment occurs, but excludes travel sales and event tickets.

Factored into eMarketer's figures for UK retail ecommerce and mcommerce sales are the multiple ways in which mobile devices drive ecommerce sales. Growing use of smartphones and tablets as shopping and product research devices give consumers reasons to shift spending from stores to the internet, while additionally encouraging incremental purchases that stem from impulse buying. Smartphones and tablets also promote ecommerce by extending the shopping day and untethering consumers from the desktop or the store. eMarketer estimates 23.4 million people in the UK, or 58.3% of digital shoppers, will browse or research products on smartphones this year. Nearly 15 million will do the same on tablets.

eMarketer bases its estimates of online and mobile sales in the UK on the analysis of data from other research firms, historical trends, consumer digital buying trends, and macro-level economic conditions.

About eMarketer
eMarketer is the authority on digital marketing, media and commerce, offering insights essential to navigating the changing, competitive and complex digital environment. By weighing and analyzing information from different sources, eMarketer provides businesspeople, marketers and advertisers with the most complete view of digital marketing available.

Corporate Spokesperson and US Media Contact:
Clark Fredricksen
Vice President, Communications, eMarketer
Tel. 212-763-6056
UK Media Contact:
Denise Duffy
PR Director, UK, eMarketer
Tel. +44 (0) 207 869 5151

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The new desktop 'iTab' solution - The Giant iTab now has a little Brother Giant iTab now has a little Brother.

Our latest innovation in 'large format' touchscreen tablets is designed especially for event showcasing, e-commerce and multi-channel marketing environments - anywhere space may be limited.

The Giant iTab is a large touch screen solution designed to build on today's revolution in smart phone and tablet technology. Because we re-use their existing content, our clients are able to bring together all their marketing and promotional elements into one simple but very effective digital presentation - a true breakthrough for exhibitors, retailers and content creators wishing to get their message across in a seamless and cohesive way - and to save costs, where an App, website, pdf or digital content already exists, the content is free.

Come and see us showcase our new desktop 'iTab' solution next week and maybe join us for our seminar on 'future trends in e-commerce and interactive digital signage'.

Visit Giant iTab

Email us at

Call us on
+44 (0) 7590 220476

Thursday, 13 June 2013

"How do websites know which adverts suit your interests?"

IAB UK launches ad campaign to give consumers greater control over targeted online ads

Initiative aims to drive consumer awareness, provide information and enable consumer choice

UK first in Europe to roll out campaign

Some of UK’s largest news brands, media owners and advertising tech businesses donating inventory
London, 13 June, 2013: Today sees the launch of an awareness campaign from the Internet Advertising Bureau UK (IAB) aimed at boosting awareness, education and enabling consumer choice regarding online ‘interest-based’ or ‘behavioural’ advertising. 

Designed by Mediacom, the “unzipped” campaign features a zip with statements such as “How do websites know which adverts suit your interests?” and “Find out what goes on behind the ads you see online.” The zip opens to reveal the blue triangular ‘AdChoices’ icon which has been appearing on behavioural ads in the UK and EU markets for over a year. 

When the ad is clicked, it links to a landing page explaining the role of online advertising and how privacy can be safeguarded. The landing page also features a short video helping people to understand ‘interest-based’ advertising.

The icon is part of a pan-European self-regulatory initiative – supported by the European Commission and the UK government – to give consumers more transparency and control over targeted online ads. The icon links to information about how data is collected and used to serve these types of ads and ways consumers can control this, including via the Your Online Choices website.

'Unzipped' consumer campaign images for targeted online ads

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Britons 60% more likely to interact with video ads

Online video ads: interactive pre-rolls twice as popular in UK

Account for twice the share of in-stream video ads in the UK (72%) than globally (36%)
UK interaction rate with interactive pre-rolls 60% higher than globally for campaigns executed by AdoTube

London – 11 June 2013 – interactive ads served before video content (pre-rolls) are twice as popular in the UK as they are globally, according to new data from AdoTube, the in-stream video advertising specialist owned by Exponential Interactive.

Interactive pre-rolls accounted for twice the share of in-stream video ads in the UK (72%) in 2012 than they did globally (36%). In contrast, standard pre-rolls accounted for 25% in the UK – almost half the global share (46%).

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Cadbury tops Amazon as Generation Y's favourite brand

Cadbury tops Amazon as Generation Y’s favourite brand

Chocolate, crisps and internet brands dominate the top 10

Food, drink and retailers account for over half of top 100

London, 6 June 2013 – Chocolate, crisps and the internet dominate the most liked brands amongst 16-34 year olds according to a new report “Generation Y and Brand Loyalty” from w00t! Media.

The report, which looks at the changing relationships Britons have with brands as they age from 16 to 34, reveals Cadbury is the most liked brand amongst UK 16-34 year olds (82%), followed by Amazon (78%), Pringles, Walkers and Heinz (all 74%). 

The top ten is completed by Google, Coca-Cola, (both 73%), Galaxy (71%), Kellogg’s and Facebook (both 70%). See Editor’s notes for Top 100 and category winners.

Dan McDevitt, w00t! Media’s joint managing director says: “Despite all the media attention given to internet, technology and mobile brands, the top 100 overall shows Generation Y remain most fond of traditional food, drink and retail brands – which account for over half the entire list.”

Top 100 brands by  category
Most liked brands by category
The BBC is the favourite media/entertainment brand at 14th overall. McDonald’s takes the honours in high-street retail (16th). Following the top four internet brands, Apple is the leading technology/mobile brand but ranks 19th in the overall list, just a few places ahead of Colgate (23rd) – the most liked personal care brand. Nike is the favourite clothing/fashion brand (40th) as is Smirnoff in the alcohol sector (46th).

Friday, 24 May 2013

How UK consumers are ready for a richer messaging experience : A survey carried out on behalf of Acision by Vanson Bourne

Hi Will,


As we approach the bank holiday weekend, I wanted to send you an insightful infographic from the global leader in mobile messaging, Acision, uncovering how UK consumers are ready for a richer messaging experience. The full infographic can be found below and is also hosted online here.


The infographic is based on a survey carried out on behalf of Acision by Vanson Bourne that examined the trends, habits and views of 1000 Smartphone users in the UK. The stats the survey produced offer insight into UK mobile messaging trends, including:

·         80% of smartphone users in the UK currently use OTT services

·         76% of these smartphone users currently admit to using multiple messaging services to contact friends, families and colleagues

·         78% would be keen to try a rich messaging service such as the GSMA’s rich communications Service (RCS) Joyn  




Thursday, 23 May 2013

An App that can actually save lives / Giant iTab great result from our Giant iTab at the recent Rapid Response Systems and Medical Emergancy Conference in London - where The Learning Clinic used one of Touch2View's hire fleet of 55" giant interactive tablets.
This was hired to show off their VitalPAC App which is now being used in NHS and private Hospitals throughout the UK and has been shown to reduce cardiac arrest calls and actually save patient lives!
"Thanks again for your help over the last two days. The iTab worked really well, was truly eye-catching and attracted lots of attention"
Dr Peter Greengross
Medical Director
The Learning Clinic

Visit Giant iTab
Email us at
Call us on
+44 (0) 7590 220476

Saturday, 18 May 2013

All about Marilyn Monroe-like pose, Mojiva, NEC display, Share a Coke, YunoJuno, Branded3 and Ryanair

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