Sunday 27 March 2011

Six great tips on how to check out what's being writen about you online / Isocube

Quick tips from Isocube
Here are some quick tips from Isocube on what's on the web about you, and your organisation:
  1. Put your company name into Google - and also try Yahoo. Simply enter your corporate name in the search box and see what comes up. If you have a name similar to several others, then think about adding what you do, for example "isocube" and "web marketing". Your own website should rank highly; if not, maybe there's scope for some search engine optimisation.
  2. Review the first 20 entries that come up. Check their relevance - are they about your business, and if so what is the context? Pay close attention to any items on forums or blogs; pay them a visit and take stock of comments made, plus who has submitted them - and when they were submitted.
  3. Carry out the same review for any products or brands you may own or represent. Use Google globally, as well as refining the search by checking only UK sites (tick the click box on the Google screen).
  4. Repeat the exercise for social networking sites. You can do this via Google, and then add a word such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Using specialist software such as Tweetdeck will make searching Twitter entries more easily.
  5. Find out what web presence senior staff have; enter the first name and surname into Google. Depending on how common their name is, it may be appropriate to add the company name too, or a location link such as a town name. Again, use a UK site filter, to eliminate those in other countries.
  6. Facebook and other entries will tend to show up on Google, but you should also search in Facebook and other social networks, if you have an account. If there's a picture of a senior member of your team misbehaving on someone else's Facebook entry and you find it, so can your prospective customers. Anything you find should be appropriate for a potential customer to see - if not, you need to consider how to manage the situation.

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