Thursday, 12 May 2011

Making scents of brand building | The Aroma Company

Are you engaging with your customers on an emotional platform? Like 9 out of 10 marketers practicing today, the answer is- probably not.
Making scents of brand building – an introduction to scent marketing.

Traditional communications solutions no longer work and yet we are clinging on to them desperately for lack of an understanding of an alternative model. Today’s average child lives in a frenzied communications world. Each year he or she is exposed to 86,500 TV ads. Based on an average life expectancy he or she can “look forward” to a total of 2,000,000 ads – that’s equivalent to 8 hours each day for 7 days a week for 6 years of his remaining life.

Spend and exposure continue to increase in the quest for growth and survival and yet – no matter how hard we try – advertising recall is in relentless decline. From a healthy 34% in 1985, it now stands in low single figures. Today’s consumer is suffering from vision overload. 83% of the information that he or she receives is visual, leaving just 17% for sound, smell, touch and taste.
This relentless assault on our eyes is creating a bland brand world with little differentiation between the images and messages employed by marketers. It’s also a world under technology threat as channels proliferate, audiences fragment and more and more people avoid the adverts altogether through intelligent recording devices such as Tivo and SkyPlus. Consumers seem determined to fight back in their battle to avoid the 6 year sentence.
In the world of new product development (NPD) things don’t look much better. NPD has always been a risky business but never as risky as today. In 1980, 7 out of 10 new products failed. As companies have searched harder and harder for differentiation, competitive advantage and risk management they have tripled their research budgets but have little return to show for it. The latest figures available to us show the rate of new product failure increasing from 7 out of 10 in 1980 to 8 out of 10 in 2004. In Japan – a country with an even higher visual overload and a forerunner of how the western world may soon look – a staggering 95 out of 100 new product releases fail.
So, is visual overload, instability within the marketing sector and new product failure some way connected? It’s simple, there’s not enough room for emotion in today’s brand relationships. Sight is only 1 of 5 senses. It’s certainly the one we rely most heavily upon when we first come into contact with a person, a product or a proposition but is it enough to engage us upon an emotional level?
Consumers use all their senses to experience a brand and the sense of smell emotionally affects humans up to 75% more than any other sense (M.Lindstrom – Brand Sense).
Yet 83% of all brand communication is to the eyes alone.
The more senses involved in communicating the brand, the stronger the connection. People are more likely to take positive action based on signals received through the nose than visual signals alone. This is because smell is received by the older part of the brain, the limbic system, triggering an emotional rather than rational response.
The decision process in brand adoption, engagement and loyalty is 70% emotional.
The Aroma Co provides an integrated approach to securing emotional engagement, using either:
• The actual brand fragrance used within the product
• A generic fragrance appropriate to the product or message
• Or a unique signature aroma created to embody the brand personality.
Give us a call to discuss how our products can set you on the right path to creating a multi-sensory brand.
01491 835510

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