Wednesday, 22 February 2012

'Canoe England Facebook Page' changes - is this right?


Canoe England has reluctantly taken the decision to remove all the comments, posts & discussions from the Canoe England Facebook Page which we consider to be inappropriate.
From the relentless posting of demands, questions & complaints, often when answers have already been provided by Canoe England, it has become clear that Facebook is not an appropriate channel of communication through which to hold discussions about single issues.
Facebook is a social, not an anti-social, medium.

The Canoe England Page was set up to promote canoeing & enable our sport to engage with others, to facilitate positive dialogue between different members and as a forum in which to share information, ideas & tips.It was not set up as a replacement for more established channels of communication and, as the Social Media team have publicised on various occasions, should a response to a question be desired, other forms of communication, such as email, letter or phone, should be used in the first instance.

Canoe England is not, nor ever has been, a single campaign organisation and, as such, the organisation cannot allow any single issue to continue to dominate its Social Media; it has a duty to ensure other users aren’t discouraged from engaging with the Page by the occupation of any single topic.Whilst we investigate alternative & more appropriate forms of communication (We are currently looking into the possibility of holding regular live web chats, amongst other ideas) all correspondence relating to Canoe England matters should be directed

We will aim to respond to all correspondence within 28 working days though should we receive a high volume of enquiries, such as that seen on the Canoe England Facebook Page in recent weeks, this may not be possible.We have a responsibility & and reserve the right to remove any content, and those who post it, from the Page.

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