Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The Marketing Century: How Marketing Drives Business and Shapes Society

A new book celebrating the 100-year history of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) is being published next month.

The book, The Marketing Century: How Marketing Drives Business and Shapes Society (published by John Wiley on March 10: £19.99) charts the evolution of marketing and follows the history of the CIM from its establishment in 1911 as the Sales Manager’s Association to its position as a global marketing body, promoting education, development, knowledge and insight among some 50,000 members worldwide.

Introduced by CIM chief executive Roderick Wilkes, the book is edited by Jeremy K Kourdi, who brings a précis of his book here.

TheMarketingblog has organised a  special pre-publication price £12.50; plus free postage in the UK. Ring CIM: +44 (0)1628 427427.

'The Marketing Century (published by John Wiley) will mark the CIM's centenary.

The last 100 years have seen a remarkable rise in the scope and impact of marketing. It has fundamentally shaped modern business, influencing the way we work and our thinking about organisational relationships.

In fact, as the impact of marketing has grown, so has the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), which celebrates its centenary in 2011. So, what have been the key developments?

Marketing today encompasses a wide range of constantly evolving issues, including: strategy, innovation, PR, selling, digital marketing, advertising, branding, social marketing, customer relationship management, segmentation, sustainable marketing and internal communications. Yet, despite its variety and complexity, there are several unifying themes. In the last 100 years – the marketing century – these themes have both shaped marketing and, more generally, business life as a whole.

These issues include the rise of technology and its impact both on what customers want and what marketing can achieve. The history of marketing suggests that the impact of technology is often overestimated in the short term and underestimated long term.


The rise of globalisation is another recurring theme, highlighted by the value of being both global and local. Closely linked with globalisation is the need to appreciate difference and the implications of diversity, an issue long-recognised by marketers and reflected in the concept of segmentation.

Another constant theme is the desire among customers, employees, shareholders and societies for an ethical approach to business with greater social awareness and responsibility. Crucially, the need for an ethical approach resembles the need for a clear customer focus: it has to be genuine and felt throughout the organisation.

The understanding of behaviour, people and relationships is an established mainstay of modern marketing and is an area that has grown rapidly in credibility. Issues of trust, engagement, loyalty and connection have become increasingly relevant.

Managing for the long term as well as the short term is another recurring theme. The case for developing relationships with customers and greater shareholder value through intangible assets (such as brands) is nothing new, but it has grown in relevance during the last 100 years – especially in the last decade.

Crucially, marketing has impacted business strategy and leadership by providing a clear understanding of customers. The simple truth is that by encouraging a focus on customers, marketing is providing an essential rallying point for everyone in the business.

Forward-thinking leaders understand that, at its heart, marketing is a philosophy – everyone in the organisation must be a marketer. This is the belief of the CIM and, throughout its history, the Institute’s priority has been to support the development of professional marketing and marketers. The CIM has now become an indispensable source of insight, guidance and practical support – reflecting the rise of marketing.

This purpose has renewed vigour in the 21st century, a time that can also lay claim to being the marketing century. Now, more than ever, the Institute’s purpose lies at the heart of marketing, giving the profession a place to learn, develop and belong.

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