Skuuudle – the pricing strategies company – have helped show price differences between Asda and Argos on key Christmas lines.
On 12th October 2011, a new campaign was launched using the price optimisation technology from Skuuudle to inform the Asda team of non-food items that have higher prices than Argos and other competitors. The first advert that is now being shown focuses on kid’s toys, in the run up to Christmas.The independent price monitoring technology showed that Asda was cheaper on around 70% of products. Asda has already invested £10,000,000 in this campaign and says there is “more to come” as well.
Skuuudle are a top provider of competitive prices and intelligence to digital businesses. It collects pricing information and helps automate many pricing processes for retailers. The Skuuudle pricing software sources and compiles competitor data on many branded products every day. This software can then be used by businesses to define, monitor and analyse their current and future pricing strategy and to ensure they are priced appropriately.Asda are calling this “The Big Toy Rollback Event” and have invested £10 million to reduce the prices of almost 200 big brand name toys and games. To do this, Asda used the Skuuudle technology to compare brand name games from Lego, MB, Little Tikes, Disney, Hasbro and Mattel to put themselves cheaper on around 77% of these products. They are not only ensuring they are a little cheaper than Argos, but in certain cases are over 40% cheaper – such as on the V-Tech Baby Walker.
This should help shoppers to see transparent pricing on children’s toys for the first time at Asda. This should help families save money to start the perfect Christmas.
“Our automated technology allows retailers to dramatically improve the efficiency of comparing their pricing with their competitors”, said Andrew Senior, Skuuudle CEO.
Asda plan many more non-food price comparison adverts to move towards their goal of being the UK’s number 1 non-food retailer.
via skuuudle.com
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