Monday 28 March 2011

Get your success story in the prime position for your business sector now / And all at no cost / A no brainer

Send us your success story
 ü Social Media Success Stories

Companies that fail to adopt social media could find themselves obsolescent, according to a report from Datamonitor, while other new research says digital consumers have stronger relationships with brands.

Here is one new method of taking the social media high ground. We've created a load your story form for a new PR idea called Social Media Success Stories. You can tell us about your own social media online success. And it's all for free

Once you have registered and loaded your story it will appear automatically in Marketing Clout

ü Media

Then we'll help further by publishing your success story in , and in over 50 Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Group sites. It is a winner!load your story form and start sharing the spotlight with us. Do it today.

ü Sponsorship Opportunity

Also if you are searching for a different, worthwhile sponsorship opportunity check this very different opportunity
ü Want Success Stories issues for your sector?

Want to see your success story in the prime position for your business sector?

Want to find out more about Success Stories?  Call Will Corry of theMarketingblog 01784 434 412 today for a chinwag.

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