Friday, 4 February 2011

"As I know from my personal experience, porn fascinates us - media and public alike" Jacqui Smith - by Neil McDonald


Let's just take a second for the possibilities of that sentence to sink in (Nurse! The mind bleach!), while simultaneously taking a giant leap towards a world where Inner City Sumo and Monkey Tennis have left Coronation Street in the dust in the ratings war.

Amazingly, Tony and Jacqui's porn hour is not the diseased ramblings of a comedy writer after too much cheese, but a chance for the former home secretary to discuss her attitudes about the industry.
 "As I know from my personal experience, porn fascinates us - media and public alike," she said.

Hmmm, no doubt in a former incarnation, Tony would have had some fun with that statement in a headline.

If I'm honest I'd have preferred a show where Jacqui Smith reveals what she said to her husband after he put two adult films on her expenses and - in the money shot to end all money shots - spectacularly demolished her political career at the same time.
I bet it wasn't "Finally! I can work with Livesey!"

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